Tuesday, 8 November 2011



Some time ago I mentioned working on the new Machine Head album cover. Well it was a little more than that, after completing the cover and inlay art, Robb Flynnhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifand the record studio approached me to head up the art Direction for the music videhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifo. I'll be working an a more in depth write up soon, in between creating Hell. For now, check out the video. Mike Sloat Directing , Editing, http://www.mikesloat.com/ . My good friend Oneal Pignani heading up the VFX Production. The guys over at Monster Effects http://monster-effects.com/ Mark Villalobos and Ron Karkoska created an actual puppet of the locust ! as opposed to CG, and Adam Lima who did an awesome and huge job of creating all of the digital effects http://www.adamlima.com/ .

Hope you enjoy.